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寶貝訓練師 2.0.03
New Game World
寵物新掛機每周固定維護時間為:每周二08:00至10:00(GMT+8)☆寵物新掛機 掛機練寵物☆2015最解放雙手,治癒心靈的最新掛機類型手機遊戲,讓你找回童年時的悸動☆☆☆小精靈重現江湖,回味童年純真時☆☆☆想念小時候一到下課,就迫不期待的拿出遊戲機來對打的童年時光嗎?懷念以前為了跟同學朋友對打不要輸,關燈悶在棉被裡面,拿著手電筒偷偷練功的青澀回憶嗎?還記得當時,你稱霸了全班,成為寶貝大師,受到全班同學膜拜的那一刻嗎!?2015年,你,可以回味這一切!!就在寵物新掛機,那份遺忘已久的感覺全部都回來了!!☆☆☆掛機練等無負擔,工作娛樂兩不誤☆☆☆最輕鬆,最無負擔的練功方式,寵物24小時奮力打怪不停歇,不管是在睡覺、上班、開車、上學、絲毫不耽誤,只要有空時上線來查看寵物認真打怪的成果就可以了!!這真是太輕鬆,太棒了!!☆☆☆多樣豐富系統,讓你玩的快樂☆☆☆你以為遊戲中就只有掛機而已嗎??那你就大錯特錯了!!遊戲中不但有道館、試煉塔等,可以讓你驗證自己培養出來的寵物之外,遊戲中更有所有玩家都必須參加的競技場系統,想成為萬人景仰,眾人膜拜的神奇寶貝大師嗎?在競技場中,就是你最好的舞台!!!☆☆☆圖鑑收集,成為寶貝大師吧!!☆☆☆遊戲中有數百種精靈所組成的圖鑑,從最常見的精靈,到傳說中的神獸,如果你自認為是一個寶貝大師的話,不要猶豫了,快點來把全部的圖鑑給收集完成吧!!Pets new hook weeklymaintenance time: every Tuesday from 08:00 to 10:00 (GMT + 8)Pet ☆ ☆ pet training new hook hook2015 most throbbing hands free, heal and latest mobile game hooktype, so when you return to childhood☆☆☆ elf comeback, when the recollection of childhood innocence☆☆☆A child to miss a class, you do not expect to come up with gameconsoles forced to rally childhood it?To miss the rally with classmates and friends, not to lose, turnoff the lights inside stuffy in blankets, flashlights secretlypracticing Sentimental memories of it?Also remember, you dominate the class, become baby guru, byclassmates worshiped the moment you!?2015, you can finish it all !! Just pets new hook, the share oflong-forgotten feeling all back !!☆☆☆ hang up without the burden of training and so on, work andplay correct ☆☆☆The easiest, most hassle-free way of practice, pets 24 hoursstruggling to Daguai not stop, whether it is in sleep, work, drive,go to school, did not delay, as long as free on-line to see theresults of pet Daguai serious it !! It was too easy, that'sgreat!☆☆☆ rich and diverse system that allows you to play happy☆☆☆Do you think the game will only hang of it you that you're wrong?? !! game will not only proper way to shop, trials tower lets youverify trained outside their own pets,The game all players must participate in more of the Arena system,people want to be admired, worshiped all Pokémon master it? In thearena, the stage is your best !!!☆☆☆ illustrations collection has become a master of it !! ☆☆☆babyThe game has hundreds of illustrations consisting of sprites,elves from the most common to the legendary animal, if you thinkyou are a master of the baby, do not hesitate, hurry to put all theillustrations to collect complete it! !